Sunday, May 10, 2020

Function of Simple Present Tense

Function of Simple Present Tense

Function of Simple Present Tense

Function of Simple Present Tense

       The following post is a video of English Learning about grammar material or structure of Function of Simple Present Tense in which the video is presented by some students of SMPN 1 TARIK class VIII-B. The video is as an evidence that the students of SMPN 1 Tarik are not only able to increase their understanding about the formal material, but they are also able to explain by themselves on their ability in understanding their knowledge of grammar, of course they still in learning. ( Also watch other video at : Function of Present Continuous Tense)  

This is the video of the Function of Simple Present Tense :


Friday, May 8, 2020

Function of Present Continuous Tense

Function of Present Continuous Tense

Function of Present Continuous Tense

Function of Present Continuous Tense

       The following post is a video of English Learning about grammar material or structure of Function of Present Continuous Tense in which the video is presented by some students of SMPN 1 TARIK class VIII-A. The video is as an evidence that the students of SMPN 1 Tarik are not only able to increase their understanding about the formal material, but they are also able to explain by themselves on their ability in understanding their knowledge of grammar, of course they still in learning. ( Also watch other video at : Difference between THERE IS and THERE ARE)

This is the video of the Function of Present Continuous Tense :

Thursday, May 7, 2020

How to Make Butterfly from Origami Paper

How to Make Butterfly from Origami Paper

How to Make Butterfly from Origami Paper

How to Make Butterfly from Origami Paper

       The following video is the simple tutorial on making Butterfly from Origami Paper. It is very easy to do it so everyone can be able to make Butterfly from Origami Paper.

       The video is presented by HIDAYATUL iLMIAH, the student of SMPN 1 Tarik, class IX-A. This video is as an evidence that she is not only able to understand about the material of procedure text, but she is also able to implement the material in communicating for speaking skill. ( Also watch other video at : How to Make Balado Egg Indonesian Recipe)

This is the video of the way in Making Butterfly from Origami Paper :


Wednesday, May 6, 2020

How to Make Balado Egg Indonesian Recipe

How to Make Balado Egg Indonesian Recipe

How to Make Balado Egg Indonesian Recipe

How to Make Balado Egg Indonesian Recipe

The following video is the simple tutorial on Indonesian recipe about making Balado Egg Indonesian Recipe. It is very easy to do it so everyone can be able to make Balado Egg Indonesian Recipe.

The video is presented by ANI UMATURROKHIMA, the student of SMPN 1 Tarik, class IX-B. This video is as an evidence that she is not only able to understand about the material of procedure text, but she is also able to implement the material in communicating for speaking skill. ( Also watch other video at :  How to Make Stir Fried Soybean Dry Cake)

This is the video of the way in Making Balado Egg Indonesian Recipe :


Tuesday, May 5, 2020

How to Make Stir Fried Soybean Dry Cake

How to Make Stir Fried Soybean Dry Cake

How to Make Stir Fried Soybean Dry Cake

How to Make Stir Fried Soybean Dry Cake

       The following video is the simple tutorial on How to Make Stir Fried Soybean Dry Cake. It is very easy to do it so everyone can be able to make Stir Fried Soybean Dry Cake.
The video is presented by ACHMAD FAUZI, the student of SMPN 1 Tarik, class IX-A. This video is as an evidence that he is not only able to understand about the material of procedure text, but he is also able to implement the material in communicating for speaking skill. ( Also watch other video at : Cara Mengedit lirik Lagu di Video)
This is the video of the way in Making Stir Fried Soybean Dry Cake :

Monday, May 4, 2020

Cara Mengedit lirik Lagu di Video

Cara Mengedit lirik Lagu di Video

Cara Mengedit lirik Lagu di Video

Cara Mengedit lirik Lagu di Video

       Video diatas adalah video panduan atau tutorial Cara mengedit lirik Lagu yang ada didalam Video yang merupakan kiriman dari salah satu siswa SMPN 1 Tarik yaitu dari SAFIRA NUR FAIZZA yang berada dikelas 9B. video tutorial ini dibagikan agar pembaca web ini maupun viewers YouTube Nurdiono memiliki pengetahuan dan dapat menggunakan panduan tentang Cara mengedit lirik Lagu yang ada didalam Video. (Lihat juga video lain pada : How to Make Egg Rolls)
Inilah video tutorial Cara mengedit lirik Lagu yang ada di Video yang kami bagikan :

Friday, May 1, 2020

Menumbuhkan Rasa Empati Menolong Orang Yang Membutuhkan

Menumbuhkan Rasa Empati Menolong Orang Yang Membutuhkan

Menumbuhkan Rasa Empati Menolong Orang Yang Membutuhkan

Menumbuhkan Rasa Empati Menolong Orang Yang Membutuhkan

Dibawah ini adalah salah satu video VLOG yang berkaitan dengan video pembelajaran / Pendidikan materi pada mata pelajaran Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan (PKn) yaitu materi tentang sikap Empati beserta contoh-contoh perasaan dan perbuatan yang terjadi karena adanya sikap empati pada sesame atau orang lain. Video ini dipresentasikan oleh beberapa siswa – siswi SMPN 1 Tarik, yaitu FIRMAN, ZAHRA, ZINDI ANDIRA, AAN, DIMAS, RENNA dan BRIAN, yang merupakan siswa – siswi kelas 7B SMP Negeri 1 Tarik. (Lihat juga video lain pada : Empati Sikap Perbuatan Menolong Orang Lain )
Inilah video tentag Menumbuhkan sikap Empati Menolong Orang Yang Membutuhkan yang kami bagikan :