Tuesday, March 31, 2020

How to Make Aesthetic Instagram Story

How to Make Aesthetic Instagram Story

How to Make Aesthetic Instagram Story

       The following post is a tutorial video about the way of Making Aesthetic Instagram Story in which the video is presented by BUNGA VIVI DWI INDRIANI, the student of SMPN 1 Tarik, class IX-D. This video is as an evidence that she is not only able to understand about the material of procedure text, but she is also able to implement the material in communicating for speaking skill. ( Also watch other video at : How To Make Carrot and Tomato Juice)
This is the video of the way in Making Aesthetic Instagram Story :

Monday, March 30, 2020

How To Make Carrot and Tomato Juice

How To Make Carrot and Tomato Juice

How To Make Carrot and Tomato Juice

       The following post is a tutorial video about the way of Making Carrot and Tomato Juice in which the video is presented by SYAKINA PUTRI AMALIA, the students of SMPN 1 Tarik, class VIII-A. This video is as an evidence that she is not only able to understand about the material of procedure text, but he is also able to implement the material in communicating for speaking skill. ( Also watch other video at : How to Make WhatsApp Personal Sticker)
This is the video of the way in Making Carrot and Tomato Juice :

Sunday, March 29, 2020

Beautiful View of Wonosari Tea Plantation

Beautiful View of Wonosari Tea Plantation

Beautiful View of Wonosari Tea Plantation

       The following post is a video of Recreation Spot video in Malang. The video is presented by MELANIE NOVI SAPUTRI from IX – B Class of SMPN 1 TARIK. The video is about her amazing experience as she went to Wonosari Tea Plantation in Malang. This video is also as an evidence that she is able to retell her experience in English. It means she is able to increase her English skill. ( Also watch other video at : VLOG di Candi Borobudur dalam Tour ke Yogyakarta)
This is the video of the Student’s experience in visiting to Wonosari Tea Plantation in Malang :

Saturday, March 28, 2020

How to Make WhatsApp Personal Sticker

How to Make WhatsApp Personal Sticker

How to Make WhatsApp Personal Sticker

       The following post is a tutorial video about the way of Making WhatsApp Personal Sticker in which the video is presented by FERDY DWI PRASETYA, the students of SMPN 1 Tarik, class IX-D. This video is as an evidence that she is not only able to understand about the material of procedure text, but he is also able to implement the material in communicating for speaking skill. ( Also watch other video at : Tutorial How to Make Geprek Banana)
This is the video of the way in Making WhatsApp Personal Sticker :

Friday, March 27, 2020

Tutorial How to Make Geprek Banana

Tutorial How to Make Geprek Banana

Tutorial How to Make Geprek Banana

       The following post is a tutorial video about the way of Making Geprek Banana in which the video is presented by ARDIAN PUTRI ILMIA and FITRIA KARINA MAHARANI, the students of SMK TARUNA Tarik, class XII. This video is as an evidence that she is not only able to understand about the material of procedure text, but she is also able to implement the material in communicating for speaking skill. ( Also watch other video at : Panduan Cara Pesan Tiket Kereta Api Secara Online)
This is the video of the way in Making Geprek Banana :

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Pengajian Isra Miraj Bersama Kh Abdul Kholiq Sidoarjo

Pengajian Isra Miraj Bersama Kh Abdul Kholiq Sidoarjo

Pengajian Isra Miraj Bersama Kh Abdul Kholiq Sidoarjo
Dibawah ini adalah postingan video pengajian umum tentang hikmah Isra’ Mi’raj dan do’a untuk menghindari dari berbagai rasa takut terhadap suatu kejadian yang disaampaikan oleh KH Abdul Kholiq pada hari Selasa di Masjid Al-Ittihad, desa Perning, Kecamata Wringin Anom, kabupaten Gresik. Tausyiah tersebut disampaikan dengan gaya Bahasa yang sederhana namun sarat dengan makna yang mendalam. (Lihat juga video lain pada : Pengajian KH Agoes Ali Masyhuri Jauh dari Musibah)
Inilah video Pengajian Isra Miraj yang kami bagikan :

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Panduan Cara Pesan Tiket Kereta Api Secara Online

Panduan Cara Pesan Tiket Kereta Api Secara Online

Panduan Cara Pesan Tiket Kereta Api Secara Online

       Dibawah ini adalah video panduan atau tutorial kiriman dari salah satu siswa SMPN 1 Tarik yaitu dari MUCHAMMAD ADAM kelas 9C. video tutorial ini dibagikan agar pembaca web ini maupun viewers YouTube Nurdiono memiliki pengetahuan dan dapat menggunakan panduan tentang cara memesan tiket Kereta Api melalui internet. (Lihat juga video lain pada : Cara Edit Foto Seperti Selebgram dengan LightRoom)
Inilah video tutorial cara memesan Tiket Kereta Api Secara Online yang kami bagikan :

Monday, March 23, 2020

Cara Edit Foto Seperti Selebgram dengan LightRoom

Cara Edit Foto Seperti Selebgram dengan LightRoom

Cara Edit Foto Seperti Selebgram dengan LightRoom

       Dibawah ini adalah video tutorial kiriman dari salah satu siswi SMPN 1 Tarik yaitu dari Ainur Rohimah kelas 9C. video tutorial ini dibagikan agar pembaca web ini maupun viewers YouTube Nurdiono memiliki pengetahuan dan dapat menggunakan panduan tentang cara mengedit foto agar kelihatan lebih keren.. (Lihat juga video lain pada : How to Make Rambutan Noodle Balls)
Inilah video tutorial cara edit foto yang kami bagikan :

Sunday, March 22, 2020

How to Make Rambutan Noodle Balls

How to Make Rambutan Noodle Balls

How to Make Rambutan Noodle Balls

       The following post is a tutorial video about the way of Making Rambutan Noodle Balls in which the video is presented by JRILIA SUFI MAGFIROH, the student of SMPN 1 Tarik, class IX-D. This video is as an evidence that she is not only able to understand about the material of procedure text, but she is also able to implement the material in communicating for speaking skill. ( Also watch other video at : How to Make Fried White Noodle)
This is the video of the way in Making Rambutan Noodle Balls :

Saturday, March 21, 2020

Kesalahan Pengucapan Ketika Membaca Surah AlFatihah

Kesalahan Pengucapan Ketika Membaca Surah AlFatihah

Kesalahan Pengucapan Ketika Membaca Surah AlFatihah

       Dibawah ini adalah salah satu video Pembelajaran Agama tentang kesalahan yang sering terjadi pada kita yang tanpa kita sadari ketika kita membaca surah Al-Fatihah yang merupakan video kiriman dari salah satu siswi SMPN 1 Tarik yaitu dari FARIHAH ARROSYIDAH kelas 9-D. video pembelajaran ini dibagikan agar pembaca web ini maupun viewers YouTube Nurdiono memiliki pemahaman dan dapat mengucapkan surah Al-Fatihah dengan benar agar tidak merubah makna yang terkandung didalamnya. (Lihat juga video lain pada : Lantunan Ayat Suci Alquran Sangat Merdu)
Inilah video tentang Kesalahan Bacaan Surah AlFatihah yang kami bagikan :

Friday, March 20, 2020

Cinderella and Prince Drama Show

Cinderella and Prince Drama Show

Cinderella and Prince Drama Show

       The following post is a video of English Drama about the Story of Cinderella and the Prince in which the video is an collaboration between the English skill and performance skill presented by some students of SMPN 1 TARIK class IX-G. The video is as an evidence that the students of SMPN 1 Tarik are not only able to increase their understanding about the formal material, but they are also able to explore their ability in acting. ( Also watch other video at : Movie Mystery of the Marching Bell)
This is the video of the Story of Cinderella and the Prince :

Thursday, March 19, 2020

How to Make Fried White Noodle

How to Make Fried White Noodle

How to Make Fried White Noodle      

      The following post is a tutorial video about the way of Making Fried White Noodle in which the video is presented by KUNY ZAKIYYA, the student of SMPN 1 Tarik, class IX-A. This video is as an evidence that she is not only able to understand about the material of procedure text, but she is also able to implement the material in communicating for speaking skill. ( Also watch other video at : How to Make Sambal Matah)
This is the video of the way in Making Fried White Noodle :

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

VLOG di Candi Borobudur dalam Tour ke Yogyakarta

VLOG di Candi Borobudur dalam Tour ke Yogyakarta

VLOG di Candi Borobudur dalam Tour ke Yogyakarta

       Dibawah ini adalah salah satu video VLOG VLOG di Candi Borobudur oleh siswa / siswi kelas 8B SMP Negeri 1 Tarik ketika para peserta didik kelas 7 dan 8 melakukan perjalanan dalam mengadakan ODL (Outdoor Learning to Yogyakarta / Belajar di luar kelas ke Yogyakarta) dengan tujuan yaitu ke pantai ParangTritis, Malioboro, Kraton Yogyakarta, Taman Pintar dan Candi Borobudur Magelang. (Lihat juga video lain pada : Go to Malioboro on Outdoor Learning in Yogyakarta)
Inilah video video VLOG VLOG di Candi Borobudur yang kami bagikan :

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

How to Make Sambal Matah

How to Make Sambal Matah

       The following post is a tutorial video about the way of Making Sambal Matah in which the video is presented by KHOIRUN NISA, the student of SMPN 1 Tarik, class VIII-B. This video is as an evidence that she is not only able to understand about the material of procedure text, but she is also able to implement the material in communicating for speaking skill. ( Also watch other video at : How to Make Martabak Egg from Dumpling Skin )
This is the video of the way in Making Sambal Matah :

Monday, March 16, 2020

Pengajian KH Agoes Ali Masyhuri Jauh dari Musibah

Pengajian KH Agoes Ali Masyhuri Jauh dari Musibah

       Dibawah ini adalah postingan video pengajian umum tentang perbuatan agar jauh dari musibah dan bencana yang disaampaikan oleh KH Agoes Ali Masyhuri pada hari Senin di Masjid Pondok Bumi Sholawat Sidoarjo. Tausyiah tersebut disampaikan dengan gaya Bahasa yang kocak namun sarat dengan makna yang mendalam. (Lihat juga video lain pada : Pengajian Umum KH Agoes Ali Masyhuri Dalam Rangka Maulid Nabi)
Inilah video pengajian umum tentang perbuatan agar jauh dari musibah dan bencana yang kami bagikan :

Saturday, March 14, 2020

Movie Mystery of the Marching Bell

Movie Mystery of the Marching Bell

       The following post is a video of English Drama about the Mystery movie in which the video is an collaboration between the English skill and performance skill presented by some students of SMK Taruna Tarik class XII. The video is as an evidence that the students of SMK Taruna Tarik are not only able to increase their understanding about the formal material, but they are also able to explore their ability in acting. ( Also watch other video at : Bullying Leads to Friendship)
This is the video of the Mystery Movie :

Beautiful Contemporary Dance from Traditional and Modern

Beautiful Contemporary Dance from Traditional and Modern

       The following post is a video of students’ creativity in exploring their skill of dancing. Some students of SMPN 1 Tarik IX class show their skill to collaborate among traditional dances and modern dances into beautiful contemporary dance. As a result, their performance looks very attractive. ( Also watch other video at : Kumpulan Ice Breaker Motivasi Belajar)
This is the video of the Beautiful Contemporary Dance from combination of Traditional and Modern dance :

Friday, March 13, 2020

How to Make Martabak Egg from Dumpling Skin

How to Make Martabak Egg from Dumpling Skin
       The following post is a tutorial video about the way of making Martabak Egg from Dumpling Skin in which it is presented by MAUDY KURNIA AVRILLIA, the student of SMPN 1 Tarik, class IX-D. This video is as an evidence that she is not only able to understand about the material of procedure text, but she is also able to implement the material in communicating for speaking skill. ( Also watch other video at : How to Make Chocolate Dorayaki Cake)
This is the video of the way in making Martabak Egg from Dumpling Skin :

Thursday, March 12, 2020

Pengajian Umum KH Agoes Ali Masyhuri Dalam Rangka Maulid Nabi

Pengajian Umum KH Agoes Ali Masyhuri Dalam Rangka Maulid Nabi

       Pengajian umum dalam rangka peringatan Maulid Nabi besar Muhammad SAW dalam tajuk “Orang yang Istiqomah dan Banyak Membaca Sholawat Bisa dipastikan hidupnya lebih bahagia dan berkah” yang ditausyahkan secara kocak namun penuh makna oleh KH. Agoes Ali Masyhuri. (Lihat juga video lain pada : Pengajian Umum Super Kocak KH Sugeng Makmur
Inilah Video lucu dari KH Agoes Ali Masyhuri yang kami bagikan :

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

How to Make Chocolate Dorayaki Cake

How to Make Chocolate Dorayaki Cake

       The following post is a tutorial video about the way of making Chocolate Dorayaki Cake in which it is presented by FEBRY NOVITA WULANDARI and NURUL CAHYATI, the students of SMK Taruna Tarik, class XII. This video is as an evidence that they not only able to understand about the material of procedure text, but they are also able to implement the material in communicating for speaking skill. ( Also watch other video at : Cara Edit Foto Menggunakan Aplikasi Lightroom)
This is the video of the way in making Chocolate Dorayaki Cake :

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Cara Edit Foto Menggunakan Aplikasi Lightroom

Cara Edit Foto Menggunakan Aplikasi Lightroom

       Dibawah ini adalah video tutorial kiriman dari salah satu siswi SMPN 1 Tarik yaitu dari Risma Putri Riandini kelas 9C. video tutorial ini dibagikan agar pembaca web ini maupun viewers YouTube Nurdiono memiliki pengetahuan dan dapat menggunakan panduan tentang cara mengedit foto agar kelihatan lebih keren.. (Lihat juga video lain pada : How to Make Snow Ball Glass)
Inilah video tutorial cara mengedit foto yang kami bagikan :

Monday, March 9, 2020

Difference between THERE IS and THERE ARE

Difference between THERE IS and THERE ARE

       The following post is a video of learning English about the Difference between There is and There are in which the video is an explanation about There is and There are presented by Group 2 of class 8-A SMPN 1 Tarik. This video is as an evidence that the students of SMPN 1 Tarik are not only able to understand about the the function of There is and There are, but they are also able to explain the material to others. ( Also watch other video at : The Function of Simple Present Tense )
This is the video of the Function of There is and There are :

Sunday, March 8, 2020

The Function of Simple Present Tense

The Function of Simple Present Tense

       The following post is a video of learning English about the Function of Simple Present Tense in which the video is an explanation about Simple Present Tense presented by Group 2 of class 8-B SMPN 1 Tarik. This video is as an evidence that the students of SMPN 1 Tarik are not only able to understand about the Simple Present Tense material of , but they are also able to explain the material to others. ( Also watch other video at : Functional Text about Short Message Text )
This is the video of the Function of Simple Present Tense :

Saturday, March 7, 2020

Go to Malioboro on Outdoor Learning in Yogyakarta

Go to Malioboro on Outdoor Learning in Yogyakarta

       Dibawah ini adalah salah satu video VLOG Go to Malioboro Street siswa / siswi kelas 8B SMP Negeri 1 Tarik ketika para peserta didik kelas 7 dan 8 melakukan perjalanan dalam mengadakan ODL (Outdoor Learning to Yogyakarta / Belajar di luar kelas ke Yogyakarta) dengan tujuan yaitu ke pantai ParangTritis, Malioboro, Kraton Yogyakarta, Taman Pintar dan Candi Borobudur Magelang. (Lihat juga video lain pada : Vlog ODL Outdoor Learning to Yogyakarta )
Inilah video video VLOG Go to Malioboro Street yang kami bagikan :

Friday, March 6, 2020

How to Make Snow Ball Glass

How to Make Snow Ball Glass

The following post is a tutorial video about the way of making snow ball glass in which it is presented by DINI PUSPITANINGRUM, the student of SMPN 1 Tarik, class IX-A. This video is as an evidence that she is not only able to understand about the material of procedure text, but she is also able to implement the material in communicating for speaking skill. ( Also watch other video at : Tutorial How to Make Martabak Mini)
This is the video of the way in making snow ball glass :

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Vlog ODL Outdoor Learning to Yogyakarta

Vlog ODL Outdoor Learning to Yogyakarta

       Dibawah ini adalah video VLOG Tour to Jogja siswa / siswi kelas 8B SMP Negeri 1 Tarik ketika para peserta didik kelas 7 dan 8 melakukan perjalanan dalam mengadakan ODL (Outdoor Learning / Belajar di luar kelas) dengan tujuan Yogyakarta, yaitu ke pantai ParangTritis, Malioboro, Kraton Yogyakarta, Taman Pintar dan Candi Borobudur Magelang. (Lihat juga video lain pada : Destination Spot of Bali Island )
Inilah video video VLOG Tour to Jogja yang kami bagikan :

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Bullying Leads to Friendship

Bullying Leads to Friendship

The following post is a drama story video situation about friendship for not doing bullying at school or other places presented by students of Vocational School "TARUNA" Tarik. This video is the presentation of some students as an evidence that they able in implementing their ability in understanding their English Subject especially their speaking skill in action. (Also watch other video at : Random Day Vlog to Make Instant Noodle )
This is the video of Bullying Story:

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Random Day Vlog to Make Instant Noodle

Random Day Vlog to Make Instant Noodle

       The following post is a funny video situation about Random Day Vlog of three students when they want to Make Instant Noodle. This video is the presentation of three of our students in implementing their ability in understanding their English Subject especially their speaking skill in action. (Also watch : Cerita Kocak Warkop Sambat )

Monday, March 2, 2020

Tutorial How to Make Martabak Mini

Tutorial How to Make Martabak Mini

The following post is a video Tutorial about How to make Martabak Mini. This video is the presentation of one of our students in implementing their ability in understanding their English Subject especially the material of Procedure Text. ( Also watch : Tutorial to Wear Niqab from Hijab Pashmina )
This is the video of How to Make Martabak :

Sunday, March 1, 2020

Ya Rasulalloh Salamun Alaika

Ya Rasulalloh Salamun Alaika

        Dibawah ini adalah video Lantunan Sholawat yang dikumandangkan oleh para Syekher mania dari Yayasan Pendidikan Ma’arif Sepanjang di halaman kampus Umaha (Universitas Ma’arif Hasyim Latif). Acara yang yang sangat meriah dan dihadiri oleh ribuan jamaah tersebut di pandu oleh Habib Musthafa Al Munsyed. (Lihat juga video lain pada : Pengajian Umum KH Agoes Ali Masyhuri Jangan Takut Kematian )
Inilah video Lantunan Sholawat yang kami bagikan :